In 1985 the Chorus established an endowment to give financial stability to the organization and fund special projects. In April 2001, the endowment fund was named The Richard Rotz Endowment Fund in honor of the Chorus director. Gifts can be made to the endowment fund at the levels detailed below.
The Chorus depends on donations from friends to meet the expenses of performing music of quality, so Chorus patrons are vital to its existence. The annual patron drive is held each spring and the Chorus welcomes and encourages audience members to participate in this important area. Contributions may be sent to the Chorus at the address at the bottom of this page. Levels of giving have been set at Benefactor ($1000 - $4,999), Leader ($500 - $999), Sponsor ($250 - $499), Patron ($125 - $249) and Friend (0 - $124).
You can also donate online with a credit card or a PayPal account. Simply click the "Donate" button above and follow the on screen directions. Please add a message to the Chorus to indicate how you want your name to appear in our programs. You can also specify in the message if the donation is for a special purpose. Also place a check mark in the proper box to share your mailing address with the Chorus so we can send you a receipt for your donation.